ಮಾನಸಿಕ ಸಾಮರ್ಥ್ಯ


Question. All lines of the figure meet at right angles.
Difference between area of whole figure and sum of (region I and II) is ____ m2.


A. 5th multiple of 11
B. 7th multiple of 11
C. 4th multiple of 12
D. 3rd multiple of 29
Answer : D

Question. P is facing Basketball court. If he turn 180° clockwise and then 270° anticlockwise, then he will be facing ______.


A. Pond
B. Basketball court
C. Park
D. Library
Answer : A

Question. Select the correct match of shaded fraction with decimal number of given below figure?


A. 20/50 = 0.40
B. 30/50 = 0.60
C. 22/50 = 0.44
D. 10/50 = 0.20
Answer : C

Question. A piece of paper is torn. In which column does the 20th multiple of 5 appear ?


A. I
Answer : C

Question. What is the value of P + Q + R + S?


A. 20(3/5)
B. 2(1/5)
C. 21(2/5)
D. 20(2/5)
Answer : A

Question. What is the value of P?
÷ 8 x 2 = 8
A. P is the fourth multiple of 8
B. P is the second multiple of 3
C. P is the eighth multiple of 2
D. P is the third multiple of 4
Answer : A

Question. What is the smallest number of shaded squares that must be added, so that the line MN becomes a line of symmetry?


A. 11
B. 12
C. 13
D. 10
Answer : A

Question. Which of the following options is the mirror image of figure (X)?


Answer : B

Question. Fill the missing number in the pattern given below.


A. 6
B. 8
C. 4
D. 5
Answer : A

Question. Which of the following statements is true?
A. 178 beads can be divided equally into 2 or 4 bags.
B. 3 and 6 are common multiples of 3 and 12.
C. 4 and 9 are common factors of 36 and 72.
D. 14 is a factor of 28 and a multiple of 4.
Answer : C

Question. 1(1/2) turns + 1/turn = __________ right angles.
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
Answer : D

Question. ABCD is a square. Which of the following statements is true?


A. ∠HAE is not a right angle
B. ∠OAD is a obtuse angle
C. ∠HEF is a straight angle
D. ∠AOC is a straight angle
Answer : D

Question. If 'Book' means 'Watch', 'Watch' means 'Bag', 'Bag' means 'Pen' and 'Pen' means 'Pencil', then which is used to read time?
A. Book
B. Watch
C. Bag
D. Pen
Answer : A

Question. Which of the following figures will complete the given series below?


Answer : D

Question. Which of the following options will complete the Fig. (X)?


Answer : D


Question. The diagram shows a part of an island where two types of plants are growing.


How are the fruits or seeds of each type of plants most likely disperse?
         ✿                             ▲
A. Water                         Water
B. Splitting action           Wind
C. Wind                          Water
D. Animals                      Wind
Answer : C

Question. Which of these animals exhibits camouflage?


Answer : B

Question. Refer the given figure showing different methods of cooking. Identify these methods and select the correct option.



Answer : C

Question. Rivers constantly erode soil on their banks. This can be prevented by _______.
A. Building embankments
B. Terrace farming
C. Afforestation
D. Overgrazing

Answer : A

Question. The picture below shows a puppy. Which among the following are most likely to be its parents?


A. a and b
B. b and c
C. c and d
D. a and d
Answer : B

Question. 'X' is actually an inclined plane that winds around itself. Read the following statements about 'X' and select the incorrect ones.
(i) It is used to lower and raise things.
(ii) It is used to hold objects together.
(iii) It is used to split things apart.
(iv) Its examples include jar lids, light bulbs, clamps, wrenches and key rings. 
(v) It is used to move things from one place to another.
A. (i), (ii) and (iv)
B. (iii) and (v)
C. (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v)
D. (i) and (ii)
Answer : B

Question. Refer the given figure showing 'X' kind of pollination to identify 'Y' and 'Z'.


ACross pollinationAntherStigma
BSelf pollinationAntherStigma
CCross pollinationStigmaAnther
DSelf pollinationStigmaAnther

Answer : A

Question. Whenever we use the air conditioner, T.V., hair dryers, play a video game, we send 'X' gases into the air.
Which of these is one of the 'X' gases?

B. Carbon dioxide
C. Oxygen
D. Nitrogen
Answer : B

Question. Two beakers M and N of water were heated at different times with different burners. The graph shows the changes in the temperature of the water in beakers M and N.


Select the correct option regarding this activity.
A. Water in beaker 'N' boils before the water in beaker 'M'.
B. The water in beaker 'N' is heated with stronger flame.
C. Water of both beakers reach the same temperature at 8.20 a.m.
D. All of these.
Answer : D

Question. "It wriggles around in the water, feeding on microscopic organisms. It breathes through its breathing tube".
Which stage in the given life cycle of the mosquito do the given sentences describe?


A. e
B. d
C. g
D. f
Answer : C

Question. Two substances, P and Q, were used to fill a syringe.
The plunger was then pushed in as shown in the diagram.
Which of the following would most likely be P and Q?


      P                  Q
A. Oil             Salt
B. Rice          Oxygen
C. Air             Water
D. Flour         Water vapour
Answer : C

Question. Refer the given figure showing respiratory system and answer the questions that follow.


a. Which of the labelled parts is protected with the rib-cage?
b. In which of these labelled parts, exchange of gases takes place?
     a         b
A. M         L
B. N         L
C. N         N
D. M         N
Answer : C

Question. Match the following columns and select the correct option from the codes given below.
Vitamin              Deficiency disease
(a) Vitamin A             (i) Scurvy
(b) Vitamin B            (ii) Anaemia
(c) Vitamin C            (iii) Night blindness
(d) Vitamin D            (iv) Beri-Beri
                                 (v) Rickets
A. a - (v), b - (ii), c - (iii), d - (iv)
B. a - (iii), b - (iv), c - (i), d - (v)
C. a - (iv), b - (iii), c - (v), d - (ii)
D. a - (iii), b - (iv), c - (ii), d - (v)
Answer : B

Question. Deepika : On the Moon, it is freezing cold at night.
Shubham : The Moon is a silent place as sound does not travel there.
Tanuja : There is no atmosphere surrounding the Moon.
Select the correct option regarding the above given statements made by three children.
A. Deepika and Tanuja are correct whereas Shubham is incorrect.
B. Deepika and Shubham are incorrect whereas Tanuja is correct.
C. Tanuja made the correct explanation of Deepika's and Shubham's statements.
D. Only Tanuja is correct
Answer : C

Question. Refer the given graph showing pulse rate of a person and answer the questions that follow.


a. What is the normal heart beat rate per minute?
b. What can best explain a sudden increase in the pulse rate in the first 20 minutes?
      a                b
A. 120        Sleeping
B. 72          Exercising
C. 90          Reading
D. 60          Swimming
Answer : B

Question. Select the incorrect match among the following.
(i) Chalk - Limestone
(ii) The Red fort - Sandstone
(iii) Silver - Metallic mineral
(iv) Petroleum - Non-metallic mineral
(v) Granite - Metamorphic rock.
A. (i) and (iv)
B. (v) only
C. (iii), (iv) and (v)
D. (ii) only
Answer : B

Question. Which of the following shows the correct path of blood flow in humans?
A. Heart → Lungs → Body → Lungs → Heart
B. Heart → Lungs → Body → Lungs → Body
C. Lungs → Heart → Body → Lungs → Heart
D. Lungs → Heart → Body → Heart → Lungs
Answer : D

Refer the given picture and answer Q. No. 33 and 34. 


Question. In the given picture, a road sign is shown that indicates speed breaker is ahead. What other road sign should also have been placed there?


Answer : B

Question. The hospital premises is strictly in 'no parking' zone.
Which of these signs should be placed in the premises to indicate the same?


Answer : A

Question. Poonam wants to classify the maiden's hair fern and water hyacinth under two groups. Which of the following classifications can she use?


A. M only
B. L and M
C. L and N
D. M and N
Answer : D

Question. Study the picture given below. Which of the following statements about the plant is correct?


A. The plant is growing towards light.
B. The plant is withering and drying.
C. The plant is responding to gravity.
D. The plant does not have enough water.
Answer : A

Question. Study the given Venn diagram. Select an example for L, M and N.


ARubber bandOxygenCeramic tile
BIron rodSaltWater vapour
CSyruCeramic tileOxygen

Answer : D

Question. In India, Vana Mahotsava is celebrated in the _____ week of July.
A. Second
B. First
C. Third
D. Last
Answer : B

Question. Refer the given diagram of water cycle and select the correct option regarding it.


A. The process ‘a’ is also involved in the drying of clothes.
B. The process ‘b’ is also involved in forming steam
C. The processes ‘a’ and ‘b’ happen due to cooling of water.
D. All of these
Answer : A

Question. Which of the following will not cause water pollution?
A. Releasing harmful gases into the air
B. Using recycled waste water for cleaning
C. Putting unwanted waste in abandoned fields
D. Throwing industrial and chemical waste products into rivers.
Answer : B

Question. Study the graph carefully. Which pond contains water that is most likely not polluted?


A. Pond P
B. Pond Q
C. Pond R
D. Pond S
Answer : A

Question. Which of these shows the skin of an arboreal animal?


Answer : B

Question. d, e, f and g as shown are drops of wax placed on a rectangular piece of metal.
When the metal frame is


heated at the point shown in the diagram, the drops of wax will melt. Which of the following shows the order in which the drops of wax will melt?
A. d, e, f and g
B. d, e, g and f
C. g, f, e and d
D. g, f, d and e
Answer : B

Question. Arun weighed himself on a weighing scale. His mass is reflected on the weighing scale as shown below.
What is Arun's mass?


A. 44 kg
B. 48 kg
C. 49 kg
D. 50 kg
Answer : B

Question. Four magnets, W, X, Y and Z are hanging from strings of two different lengths as shown in the diagram below.


A tray of pins is placed below the magnets and different numbers of pins are attracted to the magnets.
Which is the weakest magnet?

A. W
B. X
C. Y
D. Z
Answer : A


Question. Refer the different appearances of the Moon, over a month across the sky and answer the questions that follow.


(a) Which appearances shown in the above diagram are incorrect?
(b) If young crescent appears at 14th Nov. 20XX, then when old crescent is expected to appear?
                      (a)                                           ] (b)
A. First quarter, Old crescent               5th Dec. 20XX
B. Young crescent, Last quarter           28th Nov. 20XX
C. Full Moon, New Moon                     24th Nov. 20XX
D. Young crescent, Full Moon              1st Dec. 20XX
Answer : A

Question. Ram, Achin, Divya and Ripu are discussing about a grassland community. The community is made up of grass, antelopes and lions.


The children made the following remarks about the grassland community:
Ram : The source of all energy for all the populations in the grassland community comes directly or indirectly from the Sun.
Achin : The grass population is much greater than the antelope population in order to support the energy needs of the antelope population.
Divya : There will be more lions than antelopes in the grassland community because energy is passed from the antelopes to the lions.
Ripu : Without the grass population, only the antelope population will be affected but not the lion population.
Which of the children made a correct remark?
A. Ram only
B. Ram, Achin and Divya
C. Ram and Achin
D. All of them
Answer : C

Question. Strong storms with fast spinning winds are called by different names in different places. For example, over the Bay of Bengal and the northern Indian Ocean, it is called 'P'; in Japan, it is called a 'Q'; while 'R' is the name given to tropical storms in the southern USA. Today people can predict these storms with the help of 'S' .
Select the correct option to complete the above given passage.

BCycloneTyphoonHurricaneSatellite images
CCycloneHurricaneTyphoonWind vane
DHurricaneCycloneTyphoonSatellite images

Answer : B

Question. Jimmy carried out the test for starch on a pre-treated leaf that he plucked from the garden. The diagram shows his results. Iodine is used to test for the presence of starch


Which of the following statements is correct about this experiment?
a. The parts of the leaf which turned brown contain starch.
b. The dark blue patches in the leaf used to contain chlorophyll.
c. Starch can be found in the dark blue parts of the leaf.
d. Chlorophyll can be found in the parts that turned brown.

A. a, b and c
B. c and d
C. b and c
D. a, b and d
Answer : C

Question. Refer the given diagrams 'L', 'M' and 'N' showing three states of matter.


The arrows P, Q, R and S represent processes involved in interchange of states of matter. Identify P, Q, R and S.


Answer : D

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